4000 miles away from home, the cold morning winds by the bay, congregated by millions of sea gulls, whose tirless deafening shrills seem to fill the air with a melee of discord, and yet your thoughts make me feel restful with no elements of obscurity. The feel of fur seem so dimunitive to your touch. I wished your were there, you were...
On a warm Sunday afternoon, a walk by the Lunteren beach seemed like an exciting proposition. More so, the fact that your memories were entrenched deep down, the moment I had walked towards the airport and knowing that 2 months in the European far lands would seem like a lifetime of seperation.I wished you were there, and you were..
In the dim lights of the Havana, where you give in to your deepest desires, with the splendours of the fair skin hemmed in, making your soul unite with the music and your body swaying to its temptation with sheer gusto and enthusiasm, how I wished you were there, and you were..Finally, the thought of being snuggled in those arms, sent a cold yet an enthused shiver down my spine, as i smile hidden from the inquisitive eyes that surround me a thousand feet up in the air, slowly closing towards home.I knew you would be there, but you were not...
How I wished you had never left ...
I look up at the falling star..
Nothing to lose
All I want is you
I wish..
You were here or I
Was there with you .
Dok. Saab
I wish I could sing...
but did not find a song
I wish I could write...
but did not find a story
I wish I could fly...
but did not find the wings
I wish I could dance...
but did not find the steps
So many things I wished I could...
but did not find the wishing well.
Its been very cold, but goings seem to be hotting up.
First Sandeep, then Santonu and now Ameet, people are coming in.
I Wish more people wake up from hibernation as the weather warms up.
Only If Wishes were horses....
...and thoughts were the Wind...
Thx for the wishes Dok Saab
Good blog. Keep it up. Make postings in 7 days if possible.
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