I wonder what should I write for Creative Liaisons this fortnight?
Or rather why should I write ?
Why does one write, or for that matter why any one pursues any creative work? Swantah sukhay (for pleasing self) as Goswami Tulsidas said when he wrote the Ram Charit Manas.
But I am no Tulsidas. I yearn for appreciation, or criticism. Bouquets and Brickbats !!
Whats the point of showing your creativity if there is no one to watch and clap.Jangal me mor naachaa kisne dekha?
That is what was happening to Rashi's laudable efforts to initiate creative competition between her friends. I wished people would take part , or at least comment and criticize. But none happened, and the last word went unchallenged. I too decided not to write on illusion.
But today, an interview of Sushmita Sen, former Miss world, changed my opinion. She said, "Cinema allows me to exhale. Its no longer about impressing other people but expressing myself."
And here I am, writing for the word of this fortnight, least bothering whether any one will read this, whether they will like it or laugh at it. And I am content.
I wonder , not why, but what should I write for the Creative Liaisons this fortnight.
When we were kids our fears, our dreams, our miracles and our wishes were so small in magnitude....
I remember that one day our cable-wallahs were on strike and I desparately wanted to see my favourite Batman cartoon because in trade for that I had studied for 3 hours
I had prayed so hard that my cable should work by the time of the show...I had hoped God would hear me..
I had promised Him ladoos to make his decision sway in my favour... I had hoped for a miracle...and then by God's grace the cable was back by the time of the show...
And that nite till I fell I sleep I had wondered does Bhagwanji like ladoos that much??
Today as I sit down to write this ..with so many things wrong so many things that need to be fixed..so many disasters to be averted I want to look up..and ask Him how many Laddos will it take to bring backto life my friends who had passed away in the Delhi and Mumbai bomblasts?I wonder how many laddos should I promise Him to stop the injustice happenning in Iran and Kashmir?
I sang..
wonder wonder lil star
what ur and my fates are..
and yet..
wonder is my lover
sees me masking in my cover
but I..
which is my greatest fear?
Aiman Khan
The night was so silent
I was reminded of him
Leaves shining with dewdrops
And the moonlight dim
As I slowly walked
Lonely by the green
Memories flashed back to the time
When fate was not so mean
I remembered the time
When I was carefree
But what did I know then
All that was going to be
Life had changed
In that single day
When we parted our paths
And moved on our way
It was fate that we met
And destiny we separated
I thought God would help
But it was like he hadn’t existed
Wonder this was all there was
We met and we parted
But these memories will forever...
Leave my heart darted.
i wonder leaving all the wonders in the wonderful world y? ppl go for a wonderless land full of paperwonder which creates a world with a lots of joy on the surface but moaning heart in interface, so i ask all the friends to stop wandering for the paper wonder &start living the god given wonder called "life"
hey everyone...its been an exciting fortnite..and with so many varied articles ..humm..
lets see..
Dok Saab: you are an intresting fellow...ur articles always a wonder...but dis timw i know dis was more personal,,,dis one was written to me ....tnx a tonne
Smiti: you are confused in ur ideas and it shows...who is ur muse..ur sweetheart?
..next time try and write a prose..u will be very good at it
Aiman: wow... ppl i for a fact know dis gal is 14... and yet i see a gravity in her work so beyond her age...in one word she is good in two...damn good...and for that reson dhe is my pik of the fortnite...!!
Rashi: bad attempt at some good humour...its best if u stik to romance o nostalgia...lol
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